


Best-selling author, publisher, motivational speaker and educator.

MEET dr. adair


This is a crazy time — almost surreal in some ways. Between the impact of the pandemic, and the civil protests throughout the world, many of us are struggling. Struggling to understand. To know. To make sense of it. To grasp it all. And to figure it all out. And, it’s hard. Our emotions are […]


June 3, 2020

2 Words…


Here’s What I Know: So look… Stop falling for the bullsh**. Stop accepting the bullsh**. You are worth so much more than that. So stop accepting it. Start trusting and believing that you own the power of change. And start to change it. Change how you think first. So you can change how you behave […]

Blog, Empowerment, Motivational

February 24, 2020

Stop the Bullsh**!

As a lil’ girl growing up in Brooklyn during the ’70s, we used to play a lot of “street” games. There weren’t many parks near my block so we would just play as hard as we could on the sidewalks and in the street when no cars were passing by. This was our way of […]

Blog, Empowerment, Motivational

August 27, 2019

Stop Playin’ with Me!

Just sharing some thoughts that I’ve been having over the past few days about having a threesome! Y’all lookin’ at this post right now like…. 🙂 🙂 Let’s Have a Threesome! Want to do a threesome? Yup! A threesome with Me, Myself, and I. Let’s do it! Let’s focus on discovering who we really are […]

Blog, Empowerment, Motivational

June 21, 2019

Wanna join me for a Threesome?

Sometimes when things hurt really bad we just want it to stop. So we do whatever we can to make the pain go away. We try to move in the opposite direction. Far away. But that doesn’t always work. We try to “talk” the hurt away. But that doesn’t help either. And sometimes we add […]

Empowerment, Motivational

October 25, 2018

Allow Yourself to Heal!

I originally wrote most of this over a year ago after seeing the blockbuster film, “Girls Trip.” It was a much-anticipated movie that chronicled the lives of four black women who had been friends for years and in many ways, it was a symbolization of another element of “Black Girl Magic.” We are mystical and […]


September 17, 2018

6 “White Girl” Tips for Creating Amazing & Powerful Friendships…

I’m Having a Threesome! Want to do a threesome? Yup! A threesome with Me, Myself and I. Let’s do it! Let’s focus on discovering who we really are and what we really need to be happy. Let’s run our fingers through the texture of our lives to determine if it’s the right “feel.” Let’s our […]


April 25, 2018

I’m Having a Threesome!

Trust the Process… Sometimes life sucks and things don’t go as planned. But that’s a part of the process. Sometimes you work soooo hard but you never feel like you are moving forward at all. But that’s a part of the process. And there are nights when you are laying in your bed feeling at […]

Empowerment, Motivational

April 17, 2018

Trust the Process!

Sometimes when you know that God has a specific plan just for you, but you can’t figure it out right now, it’s hard to remain positive. You want answers. And you want them right now. This is the part where you have to lean on those triple shields of Grace, Faith, and Mercy to guide […]


March 13, 2018

It just didn’t work out…

As we begin the New Year so many of us create resolutions of “change.” We want to change our lives, our goals, our dreams and our relationships with others. But in making those changes, it first requires us to make changes within ourselves, and that can be so hard because it requires a higher level […]


January 10, 2018

Sorry No More…