March 13, 2018
Sometimes when you know that God has a specific plan just for you, but you can’t figure it out right now, it’s hard to remain positive.
You want answers.
And you want them right now.
This is the part where you have to lean on those triple shields of Grace, Faith, and Mercy to guide you.
They will give you the strength to remember that God ultimately orders your steps and he will never lead you down the wrong path.
Because what is for you, is for you.
They will provide the patience you need to await your next divine assignment.
And the courage to understand that no matter what happens you must stand in your truth, live in your purpose and must always be “yourself.”
These triple shields will give you the courage to know that “the best is yet to come.”
And, the world hasn’t seen the best of you yet.
It’s going to happen.
Perhaps not on your time, but always on God’s time.
So all you can do is pray for discernment right now… Praying to know when and how to make the right decisions and choices while you await God’s next instructions.
Will it be easy?
No…Because we “want what we want, when we want it.”
And it’s not always on God’s timeline.
But I encourage you to just be still. Be present. And continue to be a believer.
Trust the process.
Trust and believe.
Trust God’s Word.
And know that everything is gonna be alright.
Lesson: Sometimes things happen in our lives that we just don’t understand or agree with. But you know what? It’s okay. As long as we lean on our triple shields of Grace, Faith, and Mercy to give us patience and strength, everything will be alright.