April 17, 2018
Trust the Process…
Sometimes life sucks and things don’t go as planned.
But that’s a part of the process.
Sometimes you work soooo hard but you never feel like you are moving forward at all.
But that’s a part of the process.
And there are nights when you are laying in your bed feeling at a loss and asking God, “Why?” because you just don’t understand.
But that’s a part of the process too.
Those moments when you are wallowing in the pits of fear, confusion, and doubt and are unsure about your next move, know that’s a part of the process.
When you don’t know when you will stop hurting and struggling for significance, that’s a part of the process.
And when you always want more, but accept less because you don’t know your value and understand your worth, it may be as a part of the process.
You see, when you “trust” the process you will learn how to “do it afraid,” “get out of your own way” and lean on those mighty triple shields of grace, Faith, and mercy.
This is what will allow you to own the power of change in your life and use it to be all that you are destined to be.
Trusting the process enables you to “Let go and let God” because you know that he has ordered your steps, created the path for you to travel on, and that “the best is yet to come.”
There are so many people who “give up” rather than “trust the process” because it is simply easier to try and control everything in our lives than to become that foot soldier emerging from the trenches of struggle.
But trusting the process in your life means that you have to be willing to accept your greatness and know that you don’t get to choose “nothingness.”
You don’t get to decide that you are not worthy and allow yourself to be abused physically, emotionally, financially, spiritually or verbally. You get to use the word “No!” as a complete sentence and know that regardless of whatever you have been through in your life, “ev’ry lil ting is gonna be alright.”
It’s blind Faith and visionless commitment to the unknown and dedication to the spirit of the process that will provide the strength you need to move forward.
So if you are in a point in your life right now where you may feel like you have hit a wall, or you are confused about your next steps and perhaps you are feeling defeated, be patient. Be still. And know that it is all a part of the process.
Keep leaning on your triple shields and know that there is a path that has been created just for you in the journey of life.
Tomorrow is just a day away so prepare yourself to live in it.
Know that although you may feel as though you hit rock bottom, there is no place else to go but up….
You just have to Trust the Process.
Lesson: It’s when we feel that we are at the lowest point in our lives that we must remember that “the process” exists and we have to continue to believe in it. It’s the only way that we will Get Over It, get through it, and keep it moving!