


Best-selling author, publisher, motivational speaker and educator.

MEET dr. adair


Sometimes we look too hard to “find ourselves” when we were never really lost in the first place. We search for our inner beings, Our thoughts. Our voices… And our feelings. But all the while they haven’t really been anywhere at all. They’ve just been tucked under layers of doubt, confusion, hurt, disappointment, bewilderment, disillusion, […]


January 23, 2017

All that you need is already there…

This morning I decided at the last minute that I wanted to get my hair “done.” I wanted it to be shampooed and styled by a professional because they do such a better job than I can. Knowing that my “regular” stylist would be unavailable at the last minute, I decided to go to my […]

Blog, Empowerment, Motivational

March 21, 2016

What Happened When I Got My Hair Washed…

Sometimes we just feel  “Unpretty” and we cannot explain it. It is just a moment in time that we can actually say “I woke up like this!” And I am not even talking about the way we look physically. I am not talking about having a “bad hair” day, or about our jeans fitting too […]


December 22, 2015

Feeling a bit “Unpretty” today?

#MyLifeMatters Sometimes I forget that I really matter. I get so caught up in doing everything for everyone that I don’t do for myself. You see, I get caught up in that “Superwoman” syndrome and focus on the things that I need to do, the things that I failed to do and the things that […]


November 18, 2015


Sometimes we have dreams about doing things but we are just not sure how to start so we don’t “work a dream to live a dream.” I learned from my business mentor that a “confused mind does nothing.”  Knowing this, I always try to teach others that they need clarity in their lives before they […]


July 3, 2015

5 Tips to Turn Your Life Story into a Book!