You are probably asking “What does this have to do with believing in yourself and your dreams?” Well, just as we use contraceptive methods to stop an unplanned pregnancy we need to create methods that stop us from birthing negativity in our lives and to control unhealthy thoughts and behavior. This is the “B” of […]
Stop apologizing and start fighting for what you want. Stop making excuses for why you don’t have what you think you should have, or you are doing what you dreamed of doing… Stop making excuses and start making adjustments. You know that it’s like “mind over matter…” As much as you mind will be as […]
Sometimes we look too hard to “find ourselves” when we were never really lost in the first place. We search for our inner beings, Our thoughts. Our voices… And our feelings. But all the while they haven’t really been anywhere at all. They’ve just been tucked under layers of doubt, confusion, hurt, disappointment, bewilderment, disillusion, […]
As we begin the New Year so many of us create resolutions of “change.” We want to change our lives, our goals, our dreams and our relationships with others. But in making those changes, it first requires us to make changes within ourselves, and that can be so hard because it requires a higher level […]
I was blessed and fortunate enough to participate in an amazing interview that was published here. is a premier website for black women and seeks to empower, inspire, educate and motivate readers to make positive changes in their lives… Check out my in-depth interview here: Let me know what you think! With Love, […]
“The Shift is REAL” Preparing for the New Year (yes, already!) Well, the holiday season is upon us, and for most of us, it will be filled with an array of emotions. For some of us, it will simply be a joyous occasion filled with love, laughter family, and friends. For others, it will be […]
“Do It Afraid” I think that Fear is the number one emotion that holds us back from reaching our fullest potential, pursuing our passion and persevering in our purpose. When we are afraid, we often are paralyzed in our movement and do not allow ourselves to follow the path that God has created just […]
Sometimes the only thief in our lives is ourselves. We steal our own joy by poisoning it with negative thoughts. We steal our own happiness by denying our dreams the opportunity to flourish. We steal our ability to love others unconditionally by smothering it with past heartache and pain. And we steal our own faith […]