


Best-selling author, publisher, motivational speaker and educator.

MEET dr. adair


Just sharing some thoughts that I’ve been having over the past few days about having a threesome! Y’all lookin’ at this post right now like…. 🙂 🙂 Let’s Have a Threesome! Want to do a threesome? Yup! A threesome with Me, Myself, and I. Let’s do it! Let’s focus on discovering who we really are […]

Blog, Empowerment, Motivational

June 21, 2019

Wanna join me for a Threesome?

This past weekend, millions of girlfriends flocked to the movie theaters to see the blockbuster film “Girls Trip.”  It was a much-anticipated movie that chronicled the lives of four black women who had been friends for years and in many ways, it was a symbolization of another element of “Black Girl Magic.”  We are mystical […]


July 25, 2017

5 Lessons Learned from “Girls Trip!”

Sometimes we look too hard to “find ourselves” when we were never really lost in the first place. We search for our inner beings, Our thoughts. Our voices… And our feelings. But all the while they haven’t really been anywhere at all. They’ve just been tucked under layers of doubt, confusion, hurt, disappointment, bewilderment, disillusion, […]


January 23, 2017

All that you need is already there…

I was blessed and fortunate enough to participate in an amazing interview that was published here. is a premier website for black women and seeks to empower, inspire, educate and motivate readers to make positive changes in their lives… Check out my in-depth interview here: Let me know what you think! With Love, […]


November 29, 2016

Get Over It! How to start making changes in the New Year!

Creating life lesson plans that help shape our lives helps us to realize what we need to do in order get what we want.  We also learn that if things do not fit the scheme we have created, we must end it.  I like to compare it to a teacher creating lesson plans for the […]


April 19, 2016

The End. Period.

  There have been some things in my life that I probably should have just walked away from. Certain situations, certain people, and certain things. But I made that conscientious decision to stay. Stay to fight for it. Stay to believe in it. Stay to trust in it. And stay because I just felt “I […]

Blog, Empowerment, Motivational

April 4, 2016

I Am Not Ashamed!

You are a Liar, a Cheat, and a Thief! Yes, you are. Why? You are a Liar because you tell yourself that you are going to work hard to accomplish your next dream, and you don’t. You convince yourself that you don’t have enough time to get it done. And that you don’t understand the […]

Blog, Empowerment, Motivational

March 30, 2016

You are a Liar, a Cheat and a Thief!

The other morning I awakened with a few thoughts on my mind so I decided to write about them.  I posted my thoughts on Facebook and the response was phenomenal and unexpected.  I received so many “likes/loves” as well as inbox/text/email messages from so many people. Hmmmmm….. Sooooo, I decided to share what I wrote with you […]

Blog, Motivational

March 14, 2016

My “Mama” Moment…