


Best-selling author, publisher, motivational speaker and educator.

MEET dr. adair


“The Shift is REAL” Preparing for the New Year (yes, already!) Well, the holiday season is upon us, and for most of us, it will be filled with an array of emotions.  For some of us, it will simply be a joyous occasion filled with love, laughter family, and friends. For others, it will be […]


November 23, 2016

“The Shift is REAL” Preparing for the New Year (yes, already!)

  Being a Leader is not just what I do. It’s a part of who I am. You see, I believe that Leadership comes from within—it comes from living in your purpose, manifesting your destiny and understanding that resiliency is the foundation of your determination. It is the recognition that you must first “work a […]


July 13, 2015

How do you know if you are an effective Leader?

Today I did a scope  that I named “Let your FAITH be STRONGER than your FEAR.”  I focused on the fact that so many of us don’t do the things that we want and need to do because we are afraid…My main point was that if you really have FAITH and you Trust and Believe then […]


July 9, 2015

Let your FAITH be STRONGER than your FEAR…

Soooo many of us get “stuck” trying to write about things that have hurt us in the past.  We want to write about and share our experiences with others but somehow can’t seem to find the words to help us do it… In this video I share the 4 main tips that I use that […]


July 5, 2015

How to write about the TOUGH stuff in your book!